Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day 2008

Wow! Over 2 weeks since my last post. I know that my readership must be understandably disappointed. Part of the reason for the absence of posts and, more importantly, photo content, is that we are between cameras. I bought a Nikon D50 on impulse a week ago at the pawn shop. The pictures were ok, but it was missing the USB cord for uploading to our computer, and I found it difficult to find one. So, for $500, I thought it better to return it and start over with something new that has all of its pieces.

Meanwhile, I gave our camera to Lydia. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot of the pawn shop on Saturday to return the Nikon, she got a feral look in her eyes and she bared her remaining teeth.

"Does this mean I have to give you back your camera?!?" she said, ready to pounce on my head if need be.

"Calm down, Ansel Adams. I told you could keep the camera, didn't I?"

I'm always nervous about returns of that nature, though. A high-dollar item like that, I automatically assume that they're going to think I'm up to no good. But God bless them, they took it back without question or suspicion.

Anyway, the hunt is on for a decent camera for me. A friend told me that if you purchase a camera at Ritz, you get free lessons in using it. That sounds like the way to go to me.

We had a great weekend with beautiful weather. On Saturday, we were scheduled to go to a couple of grad parties, but Jenna became violently ill about 2 miles into the trip, so we instead spent a quiet day at home, which was nice. Yesterday when Jenna was feeling a little perkier, I washed and hung all of our sheets out to dry, and we washed the car and then ran through the sprinkler. Then we took Fernando out to dinner for Father's Day at Famous Dave's. Doesn't get any better. Well, there ARE better restaurants. I'm talking about the quality family time - doesn't get any better.

Coming recital pics!

1 comment:

Robin said...


That's the word at our house! What great girls you have!