Thursday, May 8, 2008

Say, Can I Borrow Your C-Pap?

Today is my Friday, as I am taking the day off tomorrow. I have a laundry list of things to take care of, up to and including going to Lydia's First Grade Choir Concert. I don't know exactly which numbers they have prepared, but we did get a notice home the other day that she has to wear something with "back pockets" so that she has a place to store "props". Why does my mind automatically picture this?

Anyhoo - after that, Lydia and I are signed up for an overnight (indoor) camping trip with her Brownie troop. (I hope the Mother of the Year people don't show up with my trophy and prize money while I'm at sleep-away camp for the night!) We received first notification of this camping trip back in February, and I was immediately agog to get everyone signed up. OH! The excitement! And now that the eve of the camping trip is upon us, I must ask, why did I not remember that I am going to scare the bejeezus out of these kids with my heinous snoring and sleep apnea? Thank goodness it's only for one night. I picture myself reclined in the front seat of our Saturn at about 1 am trying to get in like, three hours of shut-eye so that I can function the next day. And before you open the comments to say "oh whatEVer, I'm sure the snoring isn't that bad!" let me say 2 things. 1) my sister will gladly attest to my need for sleep study and 2) I have actually scared the bejeezus out of a kid with the heinous snoring.

Sunday, we're off to St. Cloud for a late lunch with grandpa and grandma at the Green Mill. Why can't I think of anything to get my mom for Mother's Day besides clear nail polish and a plant? I'm soooo lame!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll get the study when you're ready ;P
Have fun and please update me on the sleepover. It sounds fun!

And please get the Artichoke dip that I remember so well (and love) from the Green Mill.